So much power… it is frightening... at first sight, but then, you realize how user-friendly it is !
Those effects are fantastic and now you are able to change their : “ View size “… fantastic !
You can take any : “ Movie clips ", old or new, from old or new camcorders… and edit the : “ Audio tracks “ to your liking… awesome !
Logic Pro X 10.1.1 with Yosemite 10.10.5 is so precise and stable… it is such a great pleasure to work with.
I am delighted beyond my wildest dreams.
I can’t work on it very often, because I’m so busy with other softwares… but when I do, it sure is a treat !
Keep up your excellent work Apple, I’ve been with you for 10 years and I’ve loved every minutes of it !
Now, with the new version 10.2… for free, it is incredible !
Alchemy is so mind-boggling and... what a fantastic library that goes with it.
There are incredible sounds for every occasion.
Also, it is so easy to use our : “ Newly created tracks “, put them in the : “ Media browser “ and use them with : “ Final Cut Pro X “.
It is an amazing piece of software !
I have a : “ Mac Pro “ with : “ 32 Gigs of Ram “ and it works flawlessly.
If you’ve got the Machine to do it… you’ve got the : “ Absolute power “.
I just love the new design of the effects with the new version.
Profartiste about Logic Pro, v10.2.2